
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Question Set 13

Next set of trivia:

1) The etymology of which European city name is supposed to be depicted in this legend?

The statue is Barbo, throwing the severed hand of Antigoon into river Scheldt. Hence the name Antwerp, from Dutch 'hand werpen'.

2) Silphium is a now-extinct plant, of the genus Ferula which was considered to have exceptional medicinal qualities. It was also an effective herbal contraceptive. The shape of  the seeds of Silphium plant has contributed to what modern symbol?

The Heart Symbol.

3) As a tribute to a character portrayed by him, a recently discovered species of of extinct anthropoid is named after which actor?

The Kooteninchela deppi, a homage to Johnny Depp, with "scissor hand-like" claws reminiscent of one of the actor's best-known roles, Edward Scissorhand.

4) This is the figure of Christ in Majesty as depicted in early medieval and Romanesque art. The figure of Christ is depicted in a typical shape that looks like an almond. This shape is named after the Italian word for 'Almond'. What is this shape called?

Mandorla or Vesica Piscis

5) Ephraim is one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Studies reveal that one of the warrior tribes found in the Khyber-Pakhtunwala region of Pakistan have traditions that have striking similarities with the traditions of the Ephraim people as mentioned in the Bible.
Hence, these warriors are considered to be descendants of Ephraims.
What is the name of this tribe, brought to fame by a famous Pakistani cricketer?


6) It was originally made from extruded strands of silver. Because silver tarnishes quickly, other shiny metals were substituted. By 16th century, it was used for adorning sculptures and for decorating Christmas trees.
What is this sparkling decorative material, a word known very well in parlance of film industry?


7)  What is the metaphoric expression here?

8) Identify both scientists.

Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner.

9) This is the cross-section of which device used in navigation?


10) Johann Nepomuk Maelzel was a German inventor, a close friend of composer Ludwig Beethoven and is known for several music automation inventions. What was his invention that relieved Beethoven of a tragic disorder?

When Beethoven suffered from hearing loss, Maelzel is known to have designed special Ear trumpets for Beethoven.